GEPA Signs MoU With AITST to Boost Cashew Production In Ghana With Modern Technologies

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Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) and Afro-India Technology & Societal Transformation (AITST) Foundation have signed a memorandum of understanding to accelerate the introduction of modern technologies and scientific methods along the cashew value chain.
GEPA, in collaboration with the private sector, is implementing a 10-Year Cashew Development Plan aimed at developing the cashew industry and supporting rural enterprise development in Ghana; as well as diversifying Ghana’s cash crop base from dependence on cocoa.
The MOU with AITST Foundation seeks to establish mutually beneficial or “win-win” collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders in the cashew industry in Ghana through technology and machinery support for the government’s ten years cashew development plan.
Gifty Klenam who is the Chief Executive Officer for GEPA said the agreement is in line with the commitment of the government’s quest to support smallholders’ farmers in the Agricultural value chain.
“The agreement, will, place farmers first in bringing modern technology, to enhance production and processing of cashew, for increased export and revenue for Ghana,” she said.
AITST Foundation is an initiative by the African and Indian leaders chaired by Mahesh Patel, Executive Chairman of ETG to ensure Sub-Saharan Africa emerges as a truly global food provider by 2030.
Its core objective is to bring modern and cutting-edge technology interventions, from smallholder farmers to governments of Sub-Saharan Africa at all stages of Agric-value chains.
GEPA and Ghana’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture are the official partners of our Agri Value Chain Development Conference, Meet The Farmers Conference (MTFC) which will hold across four African Countries and in Dubai, UAE with the focus on The Future of Agribusiness.