Leveraging on Meet The Farmers Conference for Agricultural Business Funds

Agriculture is essential in sustainability of life, and this is the reason the government and other well-meaning individuals make funds available to agro-businesses through provision of grants, loans and provision of incentives and farming equipment for farmers.
In Africa, several government agencies including Bank Of Agriculture, the Commercial Agricultural Development Program, Africa Development Bank of Agriculture, Agricultural Cooperative Societies, World Bank and Cooperative Bodies provide grants and loans to small agro businesses.
The process of accessing grants is quite strenuous and involves a lot of processes such as opening accounts, submission of business plans and proposals and other documentations. Hence, the need for business owners to explore other options to generate funds.
For any business to successfully thrive, funding is one of the most important factors. Farmers, and other agro-business owners can access agro-funds for businesses at different levels through leveraging on networks and opportunities in Africa and the GCC at the annual Meet The Farmers Conference.
The Meet The Farmers Conference is an avenue for agricultural businesses in Africa, Dubai and UAE to form partnership and network. This will strengthen the international trade ties that exist between Africa and the GCC and create opportunities for farmers and stakeholders to transact. African farmers can pitch their business ideas to world class agro-business juggernauts and acquire business opportunities available in Dubai and the other GCC countries.
The theme of 2019 Meet The Farmers Conference is “Creating A Sustainable Future for Food, Trade and Technology” which resonates the fact that funding is an important aspect for business sustainability. Farmers will find new ways to use technology for better farm practices and learn how to perform effective international trades.